The story of the 'Two Frogs' or 'The Frog who saw the Ocean' is a tale quite well known, especially where I live. So the story goes something like this...
Long time ago, there was a frog who lived in a small pond. This particular frog had never seen the world beyond his pond. The world was the pond he lived in and he had lived in that pond for so many long years. He was born and raised in the pond. He loved living in the pond and he thought the world of the pond.
One day, it so happened that a frog from the ocean was travelling by. He passed by the pond and started a friendly conversation with the frog from the pond.
Hello there, the frog from the ocean said.
Hello to you too stranger, where do you come from? he asked
I come from the ocean far away, he said
I see, said the frog from the pond. He then continued, I suppose this ocean of yours is smaller than my pond.
The frog from the ocean replied, the ocean is much bigger my friend.
At this, the frog from the pond thought that the stranger was lying to him. Obviously, there couldn’t be a pond bigger than his. It was not possible, he thought.
At some point in time, the frog from the ocean offers to take him on a journey to see the ocean. The frog from the pond decides to take up the offer knowing that he had been lied to. He had to see this ocean that the frog from the ocean was talking about. There was no way it could be bigger or better than his pond. The lovely pond he lived in his whole life.
The two set out on a journey to see the ocean. It takes them many days and many nights but they finally reach the ocean.
When they reach the ocean, the frog from the pond cannot comprehend the sheer size and depth of the ocean before him. His heart cannot take the magnitude and extent of the ocean. He sadly perishes from the shock at the sight of the ocean for he always thought that there was no pond bigger than his.
Well, that is how the story ends, unfortunately, with the frog from the pond having the shock of his life and dying a sudden death at the sight of the ocean. The story has a dry humour to it despite the tragedy that befalls our poor frog.
There are times when I feel like the frog from the pond. I live a small life. I have very limited experience. I have seen so less of the world. I live a routine mundane life. And I love the pond I live in. But... I do know about the vastness of life. We are but a speck in this expanding universe. I do know that the world has so much to offer every day. And, if we are all moving towards the ocean of life before us, I think I'm ready for a new revelation to be revealed in the view.
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